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Why is Autoclaving important for most lab instruments?

Autoclave is one of the most common sterilization instruments being used across various industries, including drug development, medical care and scientific research. An autoclave process works by producing highly-saturated steam under pressure, eliminating the majority of micro-organisms and spores. This instrument is used to sterilize different types of labware, media and biological waste. The reason […]

How to Perform Purging in a Burette and a Bottle Top Dispenser?

What is Purging? Purging refers to the removal of air/gas from a closed system, such as lab equipment by using pressure, purging gas or a vacuum. An air purging component eliminates air/bubbles from the equipment, which not only reduces the risk of contamination but also prevents loss of the liquid reagent. For this purpose, manufacturers […]

How to do pipetting of Heterogeneous Samples correctly?

What are Heterogeneous Samples? A mixture is defined as a combination of two or more substances, which may or may not be chemically combined. A mixture can be either heterogeneous or homogeneous depending on the extent to which the substances are combined, as well as the uniformity of composition. A homogeneous mixture has a uniform […]

Difference between Bottle Top Dispensers with Floating Piston and Wiping-seal Piston

What is Dispensing? The term ‘dispensing’ in Bottle Top Dispensers refers to discharging of defined quantities of a liquid substance. In order to facilitate easier, quicker and more accurate dispensing of chemical reagents, researchers are widely using bottle top dispensers. This instrument has essentially replaced the method of pouring liquids into graduated measuring cylinders. Bottle […]

How to aspirate the correct volume using a pipette filler?

Using a Pipette filler Back in the day, the glass pipette used to be filled by sucking through the mouth, a phenomenon known as ‘Mouth pipetting’. However, mouth pipetting has been prohibited since long for the obvious safety reasons. Manual pipettes are usually filled using a manual pipette filler. On the other hand, we also […]