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How does the viscosity of the liquid affect pipetting accuracy?

Viscosity is defined by the flow resistance of a layer of fluid relative to its adjacent layer. In plain words, viscosity is the opposite of a liquid’s property of fluidity. It can be categorized into dynamic and kinematic viscosity and is computed in millipascals per second. Viscous liquids are very common in research labs and […]

What are the Top 10 Pharmaceutical companies in the world?

An increasing disease burden and a growing aging population have enabled the global pharmaceutical industry to reach USD 1.4 trillion in revenues in 2021. Multiple product launches and rising R&D expenditure has fueled the market growth beyond expectations. Despite the global slowdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, growing number of industry-wide collaborations and M&A activity has […]

What are the use of Burettes in Pharmaceutical Industry?

A burette is a volumetric measuring glassware in the form of a long tube having a stopcock valve at one end. The valve is used to control the flow of the liquid. It is a graduated tube having volume markings that helps in determining the volume of dispensed liquid while performing various analytical chemical tests. […]