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Uses and Industrial Applications of Hydrofluoric Acid

Hydrofluoric acid, the aqueous form of hydrogen fluoride, is a colorless acid that is used widely across industries, such as refrigerants to herbicides to electrical components. Hydrofluoric acid’s extensive industrial applicability can be attributed to its high reactivity due to the presence of fluorine ions. Its natural reactivity also makes it extremely corrosive, which implies […]

How does the viscosity of the liquid affect pipetting accuracy?

Viscosity is defined by the flow resistance of a layer of fluid relative to its adjacent layer. In plain words, viscosity is the opposite of a liquid’s property of fluidity. It can be categorized into dynamic and kinematic viscosity and is computed in millipascals per second. Viscous liquids are very common in research labs and […]

What are the Top 10 Pharmaceutical companies in the world?

An increasing disease burden and a growing aging population have enabled the global pharmaceutical industry to reach USD 1.4 trillion in revenues in 2021. Multiple product launches and rising R&D expenditure has fueled the market growth beyond expectations. Despite the global slowdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, growing number of industry-wide collaborations and M&A activity has […]