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Industrial Applications of Bottle Top Dispensers

A Bottle Top Dispensers (BTD) are the scientific apparatus, designed to be attached onto the top of a bottle and help in dispensing reagents. A standard BTD consists of a piston on a plunger. This piston is thrust down against a spring, and as the spring pushes the piston back into its original position, it […]

Are you using calibrated instruments?

“One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.” While a number of standards are used in the calibration industry for piston-operated equipment, the most important ones include ISO 8655 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005, each defining separate aspects of a typical quality calibration. ISO 17025 – It enables testing and calibration laboratories to demonstrate their competence […]

Why Should Distributors Partner up with Microlit in the US?

Our distributors are our partners. Working closely with them has taught us that their role in smoothing the connection between us and the customers, can expedite response times, enhance our reach, and even create value-added packages that complement our product offerings. Distributors play the cog in the wheel, driving our brand forward. Take a read […]