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Methods of Decontamination

As per estimates, around 46.5 million surgical and medical procedures are performed in the US every year. All the procedures are performed using sterile medical devices or equipment to eliminate any sort of contamination. For ensuring the safety of such devices/instruments, procedures like disinfection and sterilization are essential prior to use. In the past, many […]

HPLC Vs. CPC for Cannabis Testing

Among the 113 active cannabinoids present in the cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) plant, cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydro Cannabinol (THC) are being discussed and researched extensively in the scientific community. While both the Cannabinoids have medicinal benefits, THC causes euphoria or intoxication in most people, which has limited its use in therapeutic treatments. On the other […]

Fundamentals of ELISA

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a plate-based assay used to detect and quantify molecular entities, such as antibodies, proteins, peptides and hormones. ELISA is typically performed in 96-well (or 384-well) polystyrene plates, which are able to passively bind antibodies and proteins. Till date, researchers have developed many variants of ELISA for their specific needs, however, […]

Top 10 Biotechnology Companies in the USA

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, biotechnology companies have taken the center stage in the pharmaceutical space. The biotech companies across the globe have helped the world face the COVID-19 head-on by developing diagnostic tests and vaccines in record time. Lately, various novel advances have been witnessed in the domain, including the use of […]

Tips and Techniques for Pipetting Small Volumes

As modern researchers increasingly work with high-value small volume samples, the need for advanced pipetting techniques/protocols is evident. In order to detect microscopic changes accurately in small sample volumes, test tubes and vials are being gradually replaced by microplates, which require reagents in the microliter/nanoliter range. While working with small volumes, factors such as temperature […]